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Black Friday Meta Calculator

These days, we are all preparing for the expected BIG scale during the BFCM.

It’s the best time of the year, Q4, conversion rates are high, the AOVs get higher, and you have almost everything in place to break that new sales record.

To help you out during the preparation, I created a Meta BFCM calculator which will show you:

– my recommended structure for campaigns

– budget split

– creative split

– targeting I recommend 

– additional tips for scaling

– & a LOT more

This structure has proven to work over and over again during the last few months and for the brands I worked with that have already started their BFCM push.

Click on the image below and see the Loom video walkthrough 

Do you want to use JK’s Meta BFCM Meta Media buying calculator?

You can access it here!

Create your copy if you want to edit it 🙂 

Thank you for watching the video and checking my calculator; I hope it will help your setup and enable new scalability opportunities.

This is it for this week, and stay tuned because I am bringing in something special next week.

🤔 Any questions? 🤔

You can always message me on LinkedIn if any questions appear.

Happy scaling!

Bests, 🚀

Jure (JK) Knehtl

Founder @ JK GROWTH


P.S. Here is a share of my latest WIN = How I helped a beauty brand add an extra 2,000 daily orders without introducing extra offers, see more
